★ THE best football team in Kibera, the only club of the area that is playing in the nationwide level
★ The flag bearer of the biggest slum in Kenya, creating a real positive dynamic around its sport success
★ Motivated teams of young players who take the seniors as models, through a serious project towards responsibility of the youth
★ An association that is not only about football but also about using sport as a tool for a social integration
★ A base for various projects beyond the football pitch aimed at improving living conditions for an entire community
★ A club that has the ambition to become a great sport academy
Let’s win together! Let’s shine together!
Many activities have been gradually put in place in our new youth centre in Kibera since June 2020. See the details in pdf here below
In November 2021, We finished to build an education and skills training centre for youth in Kibera. See the picture of the building project in pdf here below
We have been helping our friends in Kibera during the trying time of the pandemic. See the details of our COVID-19 ACTIONS in pdf here below
in 2023, We intend to renovate Isaac pitch as a multipurpose playing ground to improve access to sports and culture in the heart of the slum. See the details of this project here below

• Partners who share our values and are ready to join our ambitious long-term projects
• Strong financial resources that will encourage and sustain this great lifelong adventure
• Competent human resources who can share skills
★ Impressive moral values: team spirit, discipline, determination, initiative, ambition, responsibility, solidarity and ethics.
★ A role model: KBS is a success story; players and fans are proud of wearing the colours of Kibera. « Fair - play » and « respect » are key mottos.
★ Visibility: on sports kits, on banners around the field, on a customized bus during the journeys of the team nationwide, via media coverage locally and international (many our games are now live on TV!) and throughout the entire slum via the good image of the club in the community.
★ A base for an efficient Corporate Social Responsibility via interesting initiatives of development inside the slum and through the organization of various sport and cultural events mobilizing many stake holders
★ Marketing opportunities in the slum (more than 300 000 people), using the notoriety of the club in the area and mobilizing our human resources to advertise your brands and your CSR / promote, supply, sell your products…
In 2014, the players finished on the top of the Nairobi League and were promoted in the Nationwide level
In 2015, they were champions again and reached the National div. one.
In 2016, they took the lead among bigger clubs and got promotion to the National Super League (the second tier).
in 2017 and 2018, they finished in the top 10 in NSL standings and the team is the best among the new comers.
After 2 difficult seasons, KBS have been shining again since 2021.
Our new goal = the KENYAN PREMIERE LEAGUE, yes we can!
Their present success in sport does not prevent the founders of the club from remembering the original motive of the club, namely as being a vector for social integration and personal responsibility.
1. The 150 players, the seniors and the feeder team (under 20) in “Black stars FC” and the youth teams (from age 6 to age 17), boys and girls, in the “Slum Soka” remain our priority in all our activities
2. The staff : 12 coaches, 6 board members and 10 facilitators follow the players in and outside the field
3. A group of 15 women retrieve their dignity and their independence through various income generating projects around a work shop and through actions for a better health and toward a sustainable development.
4. More and more girls and people living with disabilities are gradually joining the club to promote the fight against discriminations.
5. The families continue to benefit from the allowances of the players, mostly to support the education / health of the younger ones, making a total of 900 direct beneficiaries.
6. The supporters in a fan club created in 2015, more than 6000 indirect beneficiaries, follow the team tightly and beneficiate from all our actions in the slum
7. The inhabitants of Kibera profit from an image that has improved tremendously through the success of Black Stars
Yes, football can change lives of so many people in the slum!!!
As a community club, we organize many activities that aim at:
• Enhancing community cohesion,
• Gathering young people together from different cultures and different religions using soccer as a launching pad,
• Giving team members a better future by offering alternative solutions to widespread bad influences found in this type of environment such as violence, crime, alcohol and drug abuse,
• Improving the level of education of the players by supporting the school activities of the students, helping them with their homework and putting in place various courses outside the school such as French classes, computer sciences, cultural and artistic workshops + professional training,
• Monitoring health requirements by providing proper treatments, improving the conditions of hygiene at home, offering preventive measures and protection with health insurance,
• Improving awareness around sustainable development and boosting actions for a better environment,
• Figthing for gender equity and against all types of discriminations by involving more and more girls and disabled people,
• Creating employment opportunities by engaging in income generating activities for youth and by offering them jobs.
Everybody in Kenya knows Kibera, a dirty place with a reputation of violence, drug dealers and crimes. But many good things happen there too. Black Stars FC is one among them…
In the nationwide level, the players are proud to be the only team carrying the flag of Kibera outside Nairobi and now face some of the best clubs in Kenya. The senior team is really acting as a locomotive for all youth teams and for all projects that have been gradually put in place outside the sport field.
★ Improving and / or renewing sports equipment
★ Renovation of the football grounds = Isaac pitch in 2023
★ Purchasing a vehicle to transport players to and from matches = done with our partners RUBIS / DTDobie / Loxea in 2021
★ Refreshment courses via qualified trainers for both the sport educators and the seniors who will be then able to monitor the progress of younger players both in Kenya and abroad
★ Sponsorships from companies and institutions which will provide necessary resources in enabling the club to run more professionally and offer better playing conditions for the teams
★ Installation of a real youth policy by giving the priority to the youngest players, even in the senior team
★ Partnership with larger clubs inside or outside of Kenya to act both as a catalyst for progression within Kibera Black Stars and in preventing players from being spotted and signed up by crooked agents.
★ Increasing the general welfare of our members to enjoy a better life.
★ Construction of a multi-purpose hall which could be used as an office, a meeting place, a video room, an IT spot, a library, a recreational area, an education centre with class rooms and many activities organised (homework, personal development, professional skill acquisition, dance, arts, yoga....) = done in 2021 with our partners AFD / La Guilde / ALLIANZ insurance / AIRTEL
★ Collaboration with institutions or NGO’s who specialize in micro projects of development in urban areas,
★ Development of partnerships with corporates that can provide professional training and future jobs,
★ Provision of more capital to the members via loans which will enable them to initiate fur ther income generating activities and in turn help the rest of the community
★ Partnerships which might provide the club with a good health centre where our members can be treated in better conditions
★ Access to quality medical treatment for not only the players but also for their families through small contributions and access to safer and cheaper prescriptions, also through an efficient health insurance
★ Provision of better paramedic treatment and medicines adapted to the practice and requirements of high level sport
★ Initiation of a specially adapted nutritional program and fitness
★ Strengthening links with a doctor specialised in the practice of sports
★ Collaboration with organisations which might be able to offer the provision of information about hygiene and health (water, malaria, drug addiction and alcoholism, family planning, early pregnancies, menstrual hygiene, Sexual Transmitted Diseases, HIV/Aids etc.)
★ Partnerships between the club and the best schools in the area allowing enrolment of our young members and consequently, better job opportunities
★ Training for the teachers in these partnered schools
★ Offering refreshment courses in English (for the parents who have left school too early) and French courses through a partnership with some linguistic institutions (Alliance Française, international schools)
★ Obtaining high quality IT equipment (computers, printers, internet) and develop computer science classes
★ Develop various educational, cultural and artistic projects such as exhibitions, book publishing, cinema, links with local artists.
★ Improve awareness about sustainable development
★ Giving the players professional training via our corporate partners and offering opportunities to be employed in the future