The youth teams are composed with more than 150 kids, girls and boys aged 6 to 17.
They don’t do only football but they also take part in various activities outside the field, around education, culture and arts.
See the details of our activities here:
See the details of our COVID-19 SOLIDARITY ACTIONS here
Who are the Slum Soka?
The little brothers and sisters of the best football team in Kibera, the only club playing in National level.
Very focused kids who take the KBS players as role models in a project aiming at empowering reponsible youth.
More and more girls involved in our programmes to improve gender equity.
Youth living with disabilities gradually welcome to fight against discriminations.
A group of 15 active women getting their dignity and their independence back through our projects.
Proud green ambassadors promoting a sustainable development and with many core values such as team spirit, ambition, respect, solidarity, ethnics....

New activities are now proposed in our youth centre in Kibera: A cyber cafe to browse at affordable prices A Business center (...)

During the great Kenyan holidays, our young people from Slum Soka had a lot of activities in our center and at Isaac Pitch. (...)

At Kibera, Slum Soka love tennis. Thanks to coach Isaya, a former tennis player, around 30 Slum Soka kids enjoy tennis (...)

On the 3rd September 2022 had a great education and distributing drive with our Slum Soka girls. On September 2022, our (...)