Together with Kenya Sanofi Staff and Slum Soka

In may, thanks to the generous donation of SANOFI KENYA STAFF, our solidarity actions are still on in Kibera during the COVID-19 crisis.

Thanks to the generous donation of SANOFI KENYA STAFF, last week, 20 happy girls and 20 happy boys of Slum Soka received ksh. 3000 voucher each to buy food and soaps then prepare nice meals for their family during 2 weeks.
It means a lot to them in these trying times.

Flour, oil, sugar, salt, condiments to cook nourishing dishes.

Some news from our disadvantaged mothers of the Kibera Women Group
Their cheap and reusable masks are the proud of the community and outside = 80 pieces were bought by the French Alliance of Nairobi.
Job, income and dignity for these strong women !

Published online by Luc LAGOUCHE